If you can't understand it or say it, let the music tell your story
Better With Music Cafe in one video

Better With Music Cafe on a few pictures

Better With Music Cafe #7
The next Better with music cafe #7 is on the 29h of April (Saturday), at the Even, Swindon Community Centre (SN2 2BG), with live music all the time, homemade food and music corner for children, as well as community music workshop hosted by a music therapist. Remember - there's no wrong or right way of playing music together in there!
Thins month, our special guest will be - Nadia Sheikh - a British / Spanish artist, who has released several albums and singles, toured throughout Europel, performed at Spanish national television and supported Stereophonics across 19 dates of their 2020 European tour, including sold-out Manchester Arena and Cardiff Arena shows.
Nadia also collaborated with SLW recording a song ‘Speak To Me’ on the EP1.
‘Without Violence & of all Colours’ released in 2019.
Come and join us!
Better With Music Cafe #6
The next BWMC is on the 25h of March (Saturday), at the Polish Community Centre in Swindon, with a special guest who’s coming from Poland - an artist with NO. 1 song on the Polish Chart, singer, songwriter and philanthropist Ewelina Flinta.
What is the BWM café:
• Through 2023 we will be continually reappearing on the last Saturday of every month in a different area of Swindon, until July, serving with music and kindness the most disadvantaged communities. These music – supporting – cafes - events were designed to empower those who suffers the most within the communities, especially, domestic abuse victims and their families affected by it in many different ways.
• However, the café’ are open to everyone who wish to spend an afternoon with live music, try new instruments and play together during the open community workshops at the place, or spend some time with kind people, eating tasty cakes or homemade soup.
• Through our newest initiative, we wish to create a safe and joyful place for a community, where we empower through playing music together and raise awareness about pressing issues. We also speak about locally available support and create the safe and friendly environment to meet, to be listened and to connect, or simply to relax and have fun.
• The café is always full of live music, refreshments and homemade food, this time, plenty Polish specialities is on the way!
• There is also a small area of top-table sale with second hand goods, Music Corner for Children with different instruments to try on, and will be held community music workshops run by music therapists, as well as an open mic for all who loves music.
What our customers already noticed and said??
‘…Music never stops, connecting people from different cultures, backgrounds, it feels like the whole world is in a perfect harmony eating cakes, soup, playing music and drinking tea…relaxing, inspirational and magical’ (Nancy’)
…The entire afternoon will forever live in my heart, as a moment where I took my power back’ (Ame)

Better With Music Cafe #5
10 months, 10 venues, 10 different Swindon communities in need!
With the support of National Lottery Fund Sounds Like Women prepared 10 Community Café events, in a safe and warm space of local community centres, with live music, and an open community- therapeutic music workshops. All in very warm atmosphere of an actual café, run by a bunch of good friends, musicians, music lovers, and music therapists.
Our next stop (café #5): Western Community Centre in Swindon (SN2 1NF), with a special guest Basia Bartz - based in London, singer, songwriter and violinist.
All profit from our February café we will donate to UNICEF, helping victims of Turkey/Syria earthquake.
Just to remind you that our Better With Music cafe is happening monthly and is open to everyone!
So, if you wish to spend an afternoon with live music, try new instruments at the Music Corner for Children (and adults!), play music together during the open mic and community workshop at the place, or simply spend some time with kind people, eating tasty cakes or homemade soup - come and join us.❤️🩹
Don't miss it out! See you on the 25th of February from 12 - 4pm!
This monthly events are aimed to create a safe place for a community, where we empower through music and raise awareness about pressing issues, we speak of locally available support and create the safe and friendly environment to meet, to be listened and to connect, or simply to relax and have fun.
The café is always full of live music, refreshments and homemade food, top-table sale with second hand goods, as well provide community music workshops run by music therapists, open mic and activity for all community.
What our customers already noticed and said??
‘…Music never stops, connecting people from different cultures, backgrounds, it feels like the whole world is in a perfect harmony eating cakes, soup, playing music and drinking tea…relaxing, inspirational and magical’ (Nancy’)
…The entire afternoon will forever live in my heart, as a moment where I took my power back’ (Ame)

Better With Music Cafe #4
All arranged for the following 7 months!
It's time to announce the next Better With Music Cafe #4.
In a last Saturday of every month we travel around Swindon Area and provide the safe and warm space for different communities with 4 hours of live music, cakes, hot drinks and soup. This time, our special guest will be the singer/songwriter with an angelic voice - Marina Avetisian Music.🫶
During the event, you can also take a part in a free community music workshops, constantly open mic and bring your children to try many different instruments in especially designated Music Corner for Children. All in one, all in the Saturday afternoon.
Come and join us - 28th January, 12 - 4pm at Park South, Community Centre in Swindon!
See you there!
Better With Music Cafe #3
This time, we are in the heart of Swindon town, for the Christmas edition of the cafe. Our special guests will be: Bob Heath - a music therapist, an author, singer and songwriter performing his beautiful music and the most fantastic Jaybirds - 7 ladies singing and playing beautiful, heartwarming songs, very inspirational and joyful performance, and hosting, as well as performing - Luiza Staniec - Moir - a founder of Sounds Like Women, singer, songwriter and sound therapist.
Community Support Music Cafes;
Sounds Like Women designed this project to meet needs of the most disadvantaged community’s members in Swindon area.
Thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund we are able to organise
10 monthly pop-up music cafe' with music workshops at the place, designed for the most disadvantaged communities in Swindon area:
to empower and to raise awareness about the most pressing issues of the communities, to support and to help the most vulnerable. For SLW music is always the way to speak about this all.
- Artists, music therapists, community music workshop, volunteers, cakes, teas, coffee and people with big hearts, all will be there!

Better With Music Cafe #2
- Community Support Music Cafes.
Sounds Like Women designed this project to meet needs of the most disadvantaged community’s members in Swindon area.
Thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund we are able to organise
10 monthly pop-up music cafe' with music workshops at the place, designed for the most disadvantaged communities in Swindon area:
to empower and to raise awareness about the most pressing issues of the communities, to support and to help the most vulnerable. For SLW music is always the way to speak about this all.
- Artists, music therapists, community music workshop, volunteers, cakes, teas, coffee and people with big hearts, all will be there!
Ou second cafe will be full of live music, homemade food, late autumn joy, with Lisa Doscher - a singer, songwriter and Will Lawton - music therapist singer and songwriter, who will jointly share their passion for music with everyone who is willing to take this musical, super empowering journey with us.
See you there!
Better with Music cafe #1
- Community Support Music Cafes.
Sounds Like Women designed this project to meet needs of the most disadvantaged community’s members in Swindon area.
Thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund we are able to organise
10 monthly pop-up music cafe' with music workshops at the place, designed for the most disadvantaged communities in Swindon area:
to empower and to raise awareness about the most pressing issues of the communities, to support and to help the most vulnerable. For SLW music is always the way to speak about this all.
- Artists, music therapists, community music workshop, volunteers, cakes, teas, coffee and people with big hearts, all will be there!
We starting - 29th October, then in the last Saturday of every month in a different place, until July 2023!

SLW Community Cafe November (#6)
'If you are not sure where to begin, start from a cup of tea'
SLW monthly Community Cafe, with a mission to be the safe place for women and girls and joy for the whole community coming 27th November. This month live music and inspirational talk from Bob Heath - music therapist, singer/songwriter and author of a book 'Songs From a Window'. As well, ladies band - Jaybirds, Jokes, Luiza Moir + Survivors and Santa's Raffle!
As ever - tea, coffee, homemade food, the Music Corner for Children, Open Mic for musicians and music lovers.
But the most - super friendly, supportive and warm atmosphere.
Simply visit us to experience that all!

If you don't know what to do start from a cup of tea. ☕️💝
Sounds Like Women Community cafe, open in the last Saturday of every month it is the safe place for women and girls. 🥰 There's always someone to talk to and supportive information from Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service.
Plenty monthly activities on the top of teas, coffee, homemade food.
At the cafe we also collect new or unused kitchen stuff for Swindon Women's Aid refuge.
There's always live music and the Music Corner for children and adults, raffle and open mic. Just come and see how does it go. We can't wait to see you on the 28 of August - 1 - 4pm.
Monthly, Sounds Like Women Community
Cafe next - 31st of July
Safe place for women & girls, joy for the whole community!
LIVE music from Marina Avetisian Music, local women's group Jaybirds, Music Corner for Children and Open Mic, during the cafe time we will be collecting kitchen UNUSED stuff for Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service refuge. 🍴🍽💗
- So, if you can offer items such as tea towels, cutlery, cups, cookware, plates etc please bring to the event and there will be designated - visible place for collection. That helps women and their children, who just managed to flee from domestic abuse survive very difficult time.
Thank you so much for your generosity and see you in a month time! 🙏🙏
EVERYONE WELCOME! More info coming! 😊
Supported by SLW CIC, Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service and Liddington Community.
All updates on:

SLW Community Cafe April
Every month, during the opening hours we will be collecting essential - day to day items for Swindon Women’s Aid refuge and their charity shop in Swindon. This month it's kitchen stuff - plates, cups, pans, anything in still good condition that women and children can use in the refuge.
• We will also organise a raffle to raise funds for our musical workshops for women and the next community live events.
*Proceeds from the event will go towards supporting women and their communities through our ongoing activities such as musical workshops and community events.

Lovely teas, herbal infusion blend, coffee, soft drinks

Live music
Every month, from local and international artists, as well as music lovers live performance.
Musical corner for children and adults and much more...

Products homemade by women
This time our own product - lip and skin balm BLuv - antiviral and antibacterial, based on natural bee products and 20% of propolis, homemade by women necklaces and SLW EP1 to purchase straight from a table.you can also find these products in our online shop on this website.
TOP TABLE SALE every month!

Better To Know (BTK)
BTK - we provide information and support for domestic abuse and inequality issues victims. We wish to create the 'safe place' for those who need help.
In our cafe predominantly, we offer food, drinks, live music and products homemade made by women.
As well, coming to us you can get support if you, or someone who you knew suffers from domestic violence and any sorts of inequality issues in our community.
At every SLW Community Cafe - Swindon Women’s Aid Ambassador - Tracy Graham will be providing all the necessary information about their services for those who need essential support.